Could CBD help prevent hair loss and encourage regrowth?
Wondering if that exfoliator or topical really needs to contain CBD?
It's the second paper in recent weeks that recommends the use of CBD and CBG in skincare
A new study has revealed that CBD may boost skin quality, when combined with retinol.
CBG serum revealed improvements on irritated skin
Almost 89 per cent of respondents said they would be willing to try a cannabis-based product.
The global CBD skincare market is expected to increase to USD$1.7 billion by 2025
Their products provide amazing beauty benefits, giving your skin a glowing, rejuvenated, and hydrated appearance.
Element Cannapothecary share their three-step winter skincare routine for better, brighter and more hydrated skin.
Research suggests that CBG could be an even more effective antioxidant than vitamin C