Your bi-weekly round-up of the latest cannabis news
Via Business of Cannabis On Friday 29 September, opponents of Germany’s Cannabis Act (CanG) failed to prevent the bill from progressing in the German Federal Council...
A new working group will explore the possibility of legalising cannabis for non-medical purposes.
Following a number of delays, officials have now confirmed that the startup phase will begin on 15 December.
The report highlights 'concerns' over the lack of NHS access, but does not support further reform to cannabis laws.
The US Department of Health and Human Services has recommended that cannabis be classed as a lower risk drug. What does this mean for research, industry...
The Home Office is being urged to protect the sector - and reassure millions of consumers - with better regulation.
Your weekly debrief of the latest cannabis news.
The major milestone comes two years after Malta first moved to allow the consumption and cultivation of cannabis for adult-use.
With the cabinet decision, the Ministry of Health launched its first youth prevention and education campaign.