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MGC Pharma presses ahead with clinical trials despite pandemic ‘hurdles’



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Medical cannabis company MGC Pharma is pressing ahead with clinical trials despite ‘hurdles’ created by the pandemic.

The London Stock Exchange-listed firm has reported updates on three separate trials planned for 2021.

Data collected from the trials will be used to advance the companies aim of ‘developing and supplying affordable standardised phytocannabinoid derived medicines’.

A phase two study into CannEpilÒ, an ‘add-on treatment’ for severe epilepsy, will take place at the Schindler Hospital and involve more than 100 patients.

Separately, 50 patients will be enrolled in trials CogniCannÒ via the University of Notre Dame in Perth, Western Australia to evaluate the potential behavioural benefits of the drug on patients with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Studies into the effect of CimetrATM, a non-cannabis based natural inflammatory, on patients with Covid-19 are also progressing at two separate Israeli hospitals, with plans to expand the trial to Brazil.

According to a company statement, delays in the process have been ‘a result of logistical issues surrounding obtaining bulk supply of a key ingredient’ in the treatment due to the pandemic.

MGC Pharma raised £6.5m via its IPO on the LSE in February.

Roby Zomer, co-founder and managing director of MGC Pharma, said: “All of our clinical trials are progressing well despite the various hurdles we are facing due to the current global situation.

“These trials ensure MGC Pharma and our product offering realise their full medical and commercial potential as we focus on creating new and effective treatments for conditions and diseases that currently have no treatment options.”

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