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Luxembourg to become first European country to legalise recreational cannabis

Luxembourg could legalise recreational cannabis within two years, according to reports.



The country’s health ministry has revealed that it is looking to begin the process of legalising recreational cannabis this autumn, with completion likely in 2021.

The government’s plans are still to be fully confirmed with product regulation, tax policy and possible licencing systems still up in the air.

The Luxembourg government has set some initial base regulatory policy to calm initial worries internally and on with the European Union.

Residents over 18 are expected to be able to buy the drug for recreational use and any legislation is likely to ban non-residents purchasing cannabis to put off drug-tourism.

Home growing is likely to be outlawed and the government has indicated that it will regulate production through a cannabis agency.

Health minister Etienne Schneider told Politico:”Thisdrug policy we had over the last 50 years did not work. Forbidding everything made it just more interesting to young people.”

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