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Quiz: How much do you really know about medical cannabis?

Test your knowledge of medical cannabis with The Medical Cannabis Clinics quiz and win a £100 Amazon voucher.



Quiz: A collection of medical cannabis pills, leaves, bags, oils,

Test your knowledge of medical cannabis with The Medical Cannabis Clinics quiz and win a £100 Amazon voucher.

To mark Medical Cannabis Awareness Week (MCAW2021), The Medical Cannabis Clinics has designed a quiz to test how much you really know. The competition will run from now until the end of the year.

You can find the quiz here

Medical Cannabis Awareness Week marks three years since the change in the law allowing cannabis-based medicines to be prescribed. Despite this, only three prescriptions have been issued during this time. #MCAW2021 helps to highlight the experiences of patients and their frustration at the current system. It also calls for real-world evidence in evolving access to these treatments.

The Medical Cannabis Clinics is the UK’s top online cannabis clinic applying cannabis-based therapy and treatment for patients suffering from chronic pain, neurological, psychiatric and other conditions.

They offer innovative cannabis-based therapy and prescription of cannabis-based medicines to patients.

Quiz: An online graphic for medical cannabis awareness week asking you how much you really know

Speaking with Cannabis Health News, Tuanne Mac,  Head of Marketing, at The Medical Cannabis Clinics said:

“We’re keen to educate patients as much as possible and inform them of their full options when considering treatment.

A lot of people are still not aware that medical cannabis was legalised in 2018. Others are not aware that it could be a viable option and are taking the first steps to educate themselves.

We set up the quiz as an engaging way to test people’s knowledge and encourage them to learn more, both through our website and the learning material available at The Academy of Medical Cannabis.

We’re also inviting people to tell us what they think of the current industry. Getting closer to our patients and the general public is imperative to us in order to drive a collective awareness.”

If you think you know your CBD from your THC then why not give it a try?

Test your knowledge and enter the competition quiz here.

Quiz: A banner announcing collaborative work


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