Some of the more unusual CBD products make us wonder, how does that work? We examine the science and just how effective they actually are.
There is so much more to CBD than just oils, edibles or capsules. While the marketplace can seem completely overwhelming, some methods of taking a dose can be a bit more difficult than others. We examine some of the more unusual options out there from shampoo to sports bras to see if they could really work.
CBD toothpicks
Some people, especially athletes, chew on toothpicks for different reasons such as oral hygiene, habit or quitting smoking. What if your pick could actually help you to stay calm, especially in the middle of a game?
The idea behind these toothpicks is that as you chew or suck the pick, it releases CBD into the mouth. The CBD then enters the bloodstream through the tissues in the mouth.
Some brands will add other herbs to the toothpicks including spilanthes which induces saliva. The more saliva you produce, the quicker the CBD will get to work. The toothpicks can also be flavoured too meaning there may be no strong hemp aftertaste in the mouth. Perfect for those who aren’t a fan of the flavour.
There are some suggestions that CBD toothpicks may help with preventing gum disease. This could be because CBD is thought to be antibacterial helping to destroy bad bacteria in the mouth. It could also be because toothpicks in general are used to remove bits of food stuck between the teeth that can cause cavities. It may help those experiencing dry mouth as a side effect of medication as it helps to produce more saliva.
It’s ideal to use the pick for between 20 to 50 minutes before discarding it.
CBD pillows
CBD pillows hit the headlines in 2020 after discount store B&M released their own version for UK£10. Sadly, the original CBD pillows appear to be a bit higher in price starting at US$100 per pillow.
But how do they work?
CBD pillows work using a technology called ‘microencapsulation’. They are filled with millions of tiny little capsules containing CBD which burst under your head as you roll over in your sleep. It is thought that the CBD is then absorbed through your skin and hair follicles.
There are some positives to the CBD pillow in that it could be a great option for those who are struggling with poor quality sleep. It allows the user to keep a steady dose of CBD going throughout the night in comparison to edibles or oils which may wear off after a while.
But there are also negatives to consider too. It is impossible to know how much CBD you are absorbing. It is worth noting that your pillowcase will need to be washed which means the CBD will fade over time meaning you may need to invest again or buy a top-up spray or pillowcase cover.
CBD sportswear works with the same technology as the pillowcases. The knitted fibres contain millions of microcapsules of CBD which break as you move applying it to the skin where it is absorbed.
It has much the same problems as the pillowcases too in that it is impossible to know how much we absorb this way if any at all. Also, the clothing will need to be washed far more frequently than the pillowcases meaning the CBD may wear off faster.
The idea behind the CBD infused sports bras and leggings, is that it works as a preventative method stopping muscle pains before they happen.
Out of all the items listed here, CBD or hemp toothpaste may actually be the one with the most promise.
It is difficult to find CBD toothpaste in the UK although this may change soon. Colgate recently moved into the hemp toothpaste market by purchasing the American brand Hello. They have since filed three patents for CBD toothpaste formulas.
A study from Queensland University and Botanix Pharmaceuticals revealed that CBD may have strong antibacterial properties. The study examined CBD’s ability to penetrate and kill bacteria such as Neisseria gonorrhoea, yes gonorrhoea. It can do this because of its ability to break down biofilms to kill bacteria within. Plaque that gathers on our teeth is also a biofilm.
Also, toothpaste and mouthwashes that contain just hemp extract have a lot to offer. It is thought to naturally whiten teeth, prevents decay, and prevent gum disease. The anti-inflammatory properties may be the reason why it could help to prevent gum disease. It could also help to reduce the swelling, redness and pain of gum disease or gingivitis.
CBD shampoo
Shampoo or conditioner containing CBD may have some benefits when it comes to hair loss. While some hair loss happens naturally every day, there are some people who lose greater amounts than others. There are many reasons as to why this may happen including increased stress, hormonal changes, traumatic events or even genetics. There are also conditions such as alopecia where the hair falls out naturally.
A study from 2021 revealed that people who applied it to their hair and scalp for six months saw successful regrowth. The results were more promising in men than women.
It’s also worth noting that CBD may have an effect on sleep quality and anxiety which contribute to stress. If hair loss is caused by these factors then it could have an effect. Although it’s impossible to know how much CBD we absorb through our scalp or hair when we wash it with these shampoos.