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“No one was talking about how CBD could help women”



Our Remedy founder Rachel Mason

After facing IVF, a cancer diagnosis and a hysterectomy, founder of Our Remedy, Rachel Mason is bringing women’s health and wellness to the forefront of the CBD industry.

After struggling to conceive naturally, Rachel Mason couldn’t have been happier when her first round of IVF was successful.

But around a year after giving birth to her son, she went to the doctors for a check-up complaining of feeling bloated.

She hadn’t been overly concerned, so was shocked when the hospital rang two days later and asked her to come in for an emergency appointment.

“I had felt a bit bloated, but I also wanted to get the process started for my second round of IVF, as there are so many checks involved and I knew I wanted another child,” she recalls.

“I went in and had the tests on the Friday and on the Monday morning they rang with an emergency appointment and said it looked like it was something more concerning, which was really unexpected.”

It turned out to be a 12cm tumour on her ovary. While doctors were able to remove it safely, a few months later Rachel was told she would need a hysterectomy. 

“That was a particularly tough time as I really wanted another baby,” she says.

“I did get a few second opinions from other doctors, but in the end I felt I had to go through with it.”

By this point Rachel had already been using CBD for a number of months, finding that it was reduced her anxiety and helped her to sleep better during what was a difficult time.

“I do try my hardest to stay positive, such as taking the right supplements and eating a healthy diet and I feel like everything I went through I handled quite well, but there were definitely points where I was down,” she says.

“I’ve always been a bad sleeper anyway and everything that was going on was contributing to a lack of sleep and me feeling anxious. I found CBD really helpful.”

However, Rachel who ran a vape store with her husband at the time, was aware that were it not for the samples she received through the business, she probably wouldn’t have discovered the benefits of it. 

“The two industries are so closely linked, it was almost common knowledge to us, but to other people CBD can seem such a strange concept, you can’t necessarily get your head around how it might work for you,” she says.

“It was around the time that I was due to have a hysterectomy that I started to think about the fact that no one was really aiming CBD at women or talking about how helpful it could be.”

Rachel launched Our Remedy on Instagram, starting off small, sharing her personal experiences and gearing it towards women’s periods and general wellbeing. 

“It was really important to me to make the brand appealing for women, for it to be something they would want to put on the bedside table and be proud of,” she says.

“Women’s health is definitely not focused on and in the CBD industry you often come across often big, faceless brands and high-margin products, with no one behind it advocating for anything. 

Rachel continues: “It was important for me to talk about CBD in way that women could understand and to educate and raise awareness of this natural product, which means we don’t need to reach for the Ibuprofen every month or go to the doctors to be prescribed antidepressants.”

Increasingly women are reporting the benefits of CBD for chronic and painful conditions such as endometriosis and adenomyosis.

But it may also help with symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), hormone imbalance, PMS and the menopause, as well as boosting fertility and sex drive and helping soothe the general ups and downs of the menstrual cycle.

Our Remedy’s award-winning Moon Swings blend combines 500mg of broad-spectrum CBD, with essential oils of peppermint and clary sage – to soothe mood swings, PMS symptoms, cramps, bloating and support balanced hormones. 

Meanwhile the Pretty Peaceful product contains CBD and geranium, lavender and sweet orange to create a natural remedy to help with sleep and anxiety.

“It’s been almost a year now and it has been really well received, I’ve had so many positive responses,” says Rachel.

“CBD is definitely having a moment and I think so many more people are reaching towards natural alternatives in general.”

The brand has now secured 30 CBD wholesale stockists, ranging from online stores, independent cafes & restaurants and boutiques.

But Rachel also donates to the UK’s leading period poverty charity, the Bloody Good Period, for every full price item sold.

“At the end of each month we donate a certain amount of sanitary pads or tampons,” she says.

“I’ve always supported my local women’s refuge and I understand that not everyone can afford these basic necessities. There was an obvious link with the CBD for periods but our philosophy to give back underpins everything we do.”

The brand is also committed to protecting the planet. It’s boxes are printed using eco-friendly soy inks and recycled card, the products are shipped in compostable mailer bags and biodegradable packaging and customers get incentives such as money off on plastic-free refills.

“Everything I do with the brand I try to be as eco-friendly as possible,” says Rachel.

“It’s down to us at the end of the day and as a consumer and business owner, I always try to choose products that are plant-friendly.

She adds: “Hopefully Our Remedy is giving people the option to make that choice too.”

Sarah Sinclair is an award-winning freelance journalist covering health, drug policy and social affairs. She is one of the few UK reporters specialising in medical cannabis policy and as the former editor of Cannabis Health has covered developments in the European cannabis sector extensively, with a focus on patients and consumers. She continues to report on cannabis-related health and policy for Forbes, Cannabis Health and Business of Cannabis and has written for The i Paper, Byline Times, The Lead, Positive News, Leafie & others. Sarah has an NCTJ accreditation and an MA in Journalism from the University of Sunderland and has completed additional specialist training through the Medical Cannabis Clinicians Society in the UK. She has spoken at leading industry events such as Cannabis Europa.


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