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Cannabis and epilepsy – why discovering the plant as a teenager changed my life

Lewis Palmer, founder of Herbal Origin Hemp & Wellness, on his journey with cannabis.



cannabis and epilepsy

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Lewis Palmer, who was diagnosed with epilepsy as a child, on how discovering the potential of the cannabis plant changed his life.

I had epilepsy from an early age, suffering from nocturnal vacant episodes, complex partial and grand mal seizures. I spent a lot of time in hospitals as a child having EEGs (Electroencephalogram) and other tests to see how my brain was functioning whilst trying to understand what was happening to me. 

I was taking strong doses of pharmaceuticals, carbamazepine and tegretol for around eight years.

Cannabis and epilepsy - why discovering plant changed my life

Lewis Palmer, founder of Herbal Origin

As a young teenager I was always wary of taking drugs, scared about the way they would react to me and the medication I was taking, so I steered clear until I found a plant called cannabis.

I didn’t know what the endocannabinoid system (ECS) was, I didn’t know the difference between CBD and THC – it was the 90s. I was a young, naive boy uneducated on the subject but I felt an immediate connection with the plant. Something just felt right. 

By the age of 16 I was no longer taking pharmaceuticals. I stopped having seizures and episodes and had a relatively normal life. I still have occasional sleep tremors depending on life factors such as stress, for example but it’s incomparable to what I had growing up as a child. 

I cannot say for sure why my epilepsy calmed down the way it did, but I have an inkling. It was this that ignited my passion for the plant and sent me on a journey. 

Long before the internet was in its full glory I once met a homeless man on the train, he smelt cannabis on me and  took an interest, so we started talking. He was an army veteran and used cannabis for severe PTSD and to control his epilepsy –  I was immediately engaged. I listened and then shared my own story.  

I’d never met anyone before that was taking cannabis for epilepsy or any other health issue for that matter, and it only made me more curious. How did this wise gentleman know so much when there really wasn’t any obtainable information in the public domain? How many other people had similar stories to him? Do some people have a natural connection with cannabis? 

I know now that the answer is yes – thanks to our ECS, every living animal has a connection and I guess some people more than others – I myself profess to be one of those. 

I always think back to that moment in fascination.

I have always felt ostracised for my love of cannabis, I never felt like anybody understood me – maybe because people didn’t know my personal journey, maybe because it is illegal in the UK? 

The stigma attached to the plant over the years hasn’t helped. I also realise it was just a lack of education and understanding on the nation’s part – we have been so programmed over the years to take at face value what the government says.

Cannabis and epilepsy - why discovering plant changed my life

I have always felt I was losing the battle and will to convince people about this wonderful plant but not anymore. It’s fantastic that things have changed and I’m not the only one. There are now so many amazing people fighting and leading the way to educate and share experiences and evidence to really back up and drive home statements that cannabis is actually really, really great.

Growing up we didn’t have Cannabis Health magazine to read. We didn’t have the research found in books or on the internet that is now so readily available to us. The joys of social media and the world wide web at your fingertips today means we can learn, train, develop our understanding whilst connecting with others who are in similar positions, who share the same passion, who are curious and want to find another way. 

The reason I started Herbal Origin was because I wanted to be able to make cannabis-based products more accessible and to be able to educate and change perception. It shouldn’t be taboo.

I love connecting with the public, trying to convert people’s thoughts and opinions. Cannabis is still a scary word to a lot of the UK and I’d like to think most people I’ve met who have had a negative view on cannabis have had second thoughts or changed their mind.

There are so many passionate individuals in this country and collectively I think we can make a difference. Most of us have the same goal – to spread information to the wider community and change beliefs.

Lewis Palmer, is the founder of Herbal Origin Hemp & Wellness

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