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Five new cannabis studies to know about

A few recently published cannabis studies that should be on your radar.



Five recent cannabis studies to know about

From research into insomnia, to the impact of early cannabis usage on mental health, here are some recently published studies that should be on your radar.

Historically, cannabis has been an under-researched field, for the most part, thanks to its status as an illegal substance.

However, as legalisation becomes more commonplace across the world, scientists are finally being given the freedom to study the effects of the plant and its potential usage for treating a wide range of conditions.

Here’s five signifiant cannabis studies from the past two months.

US research programme studies cannabinoids in ovarian cancer

Cannabis consumers report “significant improvements” to insomnia symptoms

Cannabis is a popular choice for self-treating insomnia with anecdotal evidence showing that CBD and THC may improve sleep. The research backing these claims is still lacking but a retrospective cohort study published in April this year, has confirmed that cannabis-derived products could help those suffering from the condition.

The Canadian study concluded that individuals with depression, anxiety or both who use cannabis for insomnia noticed “significant” improvements after consuming the drug.

The study, published in the journal BMC Psychiatry, analysed data from a cohort of 677 individuals with a total of 8,476 recorded sessions. The results found that cannabis was perceived to be effective in managing anxiety/depression-related insomnia across all groups, irrespective of age and gender.

The study also looked at which types of cannabis were more efficacious, finding that indica-dominant, indica hybrid and sativa-dominant strains were more effective for depression than CBD-dominant strains. For anxiety and co-morbid conditions, the research team found little difference between strains.

“The current study highlights the need for placebo-controlled trials investigating symptom improvement and the safety of cannabinoids for sleep in individuals with mood and anxiety disorders,” the researchers concluded.

First study of its kind finds that cannabis may help tackle fatigue

A study led by scientists at the University of New Mexico found that over 90 per cent of subjects experienced less fatigue after consuming cannabis. The study, published in the journal Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids, is the first to look at the effect of commercially available cannabis flower on feelings of fatigue.

Over a period of three years, approximately 1,200 people recorded just under 4,000 sessions in which they self-administered cannabis flower. The results found that 91.94 per cent of subjects reported improvements in their fatigue with an average intensity reduction of 3.48 points on a 0–10 scale.

A minority of users reported negative side effects that impacted their fatigue, such as lack of motivation and ‘couch-lock’, but more users experienced positive effects that helped increase their energy levels.

The researchers concluded in the paper’s abstract that “the magnitude of the effect and extent of side effects experienced likely vary with individuals’ metabolic states and the synergistic chemotypic properties of the plant.

Cannabis use linked with increased risk of heart disease – but soy beans might help

A study on mice led by researchers at Stanford University has shown that THC – the psychoactive compound found in cannabis – causes inflammation in cells that line the blood vessels and thickening of the arteries (atherosclerosis).

Although the researchers found that THC has a “significantly adverse effect on the cardiovascular system”, the study also showed that the inflammation and atherosclerosis could be “blocked” by a small molecule found naturally in soy and fava beans.

“As more states legalise the recreational use of marijuana, users need to be aware that it could have cardiovascular side effects,” said Joseph Wu, MD, PhD, professor of cardiovascular medicine and of radiology, and the director of the Stanford Cardiovascular Institute.

“But genistein works quite well to mitigate marijuana-induced damage of the endothelial vessels without blocking the effects marijuana has on the central nervous system, and it could be a way for medical marijuana users to protect themselves from a cardiovascular standpoint.”

Two-thirds of Canadian MS patients have used cannabis

A Canadian survey of 344 individuals suffering from multiple sclerosis found that 64.5 per cent reported having used medical cannabis at least once, while just over half reported still using it to treat their condition. Cannabis was mostly used for sleep disorders, pain and spasticity.

While there is increasing interest in cannabis use for multiple sclerosis, the research to back anecdotal evidence lags behind. The authors of the study noted that more research is needed to determine its potential as an official therapy for MS.

The authors said in the study’s conclusion: “Users reported that cannabis is moderately to highly effective in treating several symptoms and that adverse effects are not generally severe, nor are they the main factor driving medical cannabis cessation. Our results support the need for more research examining medical cannabis use in MS and for evidence-based resources to be publicly available for those exploring it as a potential therapy.”

Study finds association between frequency of cannabis and delusional experiences

A study published last week (3 May) linked frequent use of cannabis with delusional experiences. These include persecutory delusions – which occurs when someone believes others are out to harm them – and thought broadcasting, a condition in which people believe that people around them can hear or know their thoughts.

The same study – published in Scientific Reports – found that age of cannabis use initiation was negatively related to visual hallucinatory experiences and irritability, implying that these experiences become more likely the earlier use is initiated.

Earlier initiation, but not lifetime frequency of cannabis use, was related to early risk factors.

The authors said: “We provide a valuable starting point for further investigation of the complex relationships between cannabis use patterns and specific symptoms.”

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