The latest coverage of medical cannabis in the mainstream media. From new research to patient stories, here are the top cannabis headlines from the past two weeks.
Amidst the countless stories of cannabis farm busts and cannabis-related arrests, mainstream news outlets will occasionally feature more positive headlines about cannabis and its life-changing impact on patients. Thankfully, coverage of medical cannabis is becoming more balanced in the mainstream media with increasing numbers of outlets taking the plant more seriously.
In the past couple of weeks, we have seen The Independent, the Financial Times, The Telegraph and local paper the Liverpool Echo cover positive change in the cannabis space. Here are five stories not to miss.
Mother of boy with epilepsy urges government to ease process for accessing medical cannabis
The Independent covered Charlotte Caldwell’s calls to make medical cannabis more accessible to families of children with epilepsy. Ms Caldwell and her son Billy were instrumental in campaigns for the legalisation of medical cannabis.
In 2018, after venturing to Canada to acquire medical cannabis treatment, Ms Caldwell and Billy were intercepted by law enforcement who confiscated the prescription. Sajid Javid later returned the medical cannabis and later that year, medical cannabis was legalised for certain conditions.
However, despite changes to the law, Ms Caldwell has continued to criticize the government and healthcare services for the complex process that families need to navigate in order to obtain the potentially life-changing medicine.
“While I am delighted that there is now a route to affordable and reliable medical cannabis treatment in the UK, I am saddened that it remains a complex and at times opaque process,” Caldwell said.
“Four years on from having Billy’s medicine confiscated from me at Heathrow Airport, I want to share the learnings of my experience with other families, for whom the journey need not be so fraught with complication, heartache and vast personal expense.”
The Telegraph reports on positive results from study on cannabis and pain
Earlier this month, The Telegraph featured a cannabis headline, reporting on a study run by Oregon Health and Science University, The research looked at 25 different studies and collated the available data to see if taking cannabis had any benefits.
The study, funded by the US Department of Health and Human Services found that cannabis products with high levels of THC “may be associated with short-term improvements in chronic pain”.
“In general, the limited amount of evidence surprised all of us,” lead author Professor Marian McDongh said.
“With so much buzz around cannabis-related products, and the easy availability of recreational and medical marijuana in many states, consumers and patients might assume there would be more evidence about the benefits and side effects.
“Unfortunately, there is very little scientifically valid research into most of these products.”
Warrington man “amazed” by the effect of medical cannabis on migraines
A man suffering from frequent, severe migraines found almost instant relief with medical cannabis, the Liverpool Echo reported. The man from Warrington was experiencing nausea, hallucinations and “flashing lights” as a result of his migraines resulting in him missing work.
Peter Phillips, 32, told Liverpool Echo: “It was very scary. Because I’m a mental health nurse, I thought I was hallucinating, I thought it was a bit of psychosis, but my GP said it’s part of the migraines.”
Unhappy with the medications he was being prescribed, including beta-blockers, lithium and medications that left him vomiting, Peter searched for an alternative, eventually stumbling across medical cannabis.
Initially, Peter had similar hesitations to many others who have considered medical cannabis. He said: “At first I thought, ‘Is this all a big ruse? Is there actually any medical benefit to it? Is this just people saying it works because they want to get stoned?'”
Peter was issued a prescription for cannabis oil from Saphire Medical Clinics. Within 15 minutes of of taking the medicine, his pain, nausea and light sensitivity disappeared.
He said: “I was very amazed, and I am really amazed at how little I need to use, because you’re not doing it to get stoned, you’re not doing it to be intoxicated.”
Metro covers the latest developments in Germany
Germany recently accelerated its plan for recreational cannabis legalisation, aiming to have cannabis sold in licenced shops by the end of the year. Metro covered the news this week, reporting that the health ministry will begin hearings on the issue tomorrow.
The German Government said the plan would ensure quality control while also protecting young people, and agreed that the ‘social effects’ of the new legislation would be examined after four years.
In early May, health minister Karl Lauterbach said he planned to draw up draft legislation in the second half of the year, following hearings with experts.
Tenacious Labs moves HQ to Jersey to aid expansion plans
Financial Times reported this week on Tenacious Labs’ strategic move to Jersey as cannabis laws further relax on the Channel Islands.
The consumer goods company, which currently produces CBD products, is planning to expand its product range to include THC-containing products but this is currently not permitted in the UK where Tenacious Labs is currently based.
Jersey updated its rules on cannabis products last summer. It now allows proceeds from all cannabis products, including those containing the psychoactive ingredient THC, provided the product is legal in the country where it is sold.
“We are a far more attractive investment proposition headquartered in Jersey than in London as it currently stands,” chief executive Nick Morland told FT.
Tenacious Labs aims to complete the move from London to Jersey by August this year.