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UK cannabis clinic Mamedica launches new access scheme

Veterans and those receiving benefits will be able to access cannabis on prescription at a discounted rate.



Patients will have access to free repeat prescriptions through the scheme.

Private cannabis clinic, Mamedica, has launched a new scheme to help veterans and those receiving government benefits to access cannabis on prescription.

The initiative aims to make legally prescribed cannabis more accessible to those who may not otherwise be able to afford it, by offering its services at a discounted rate, the clinic said in a press release on Friday 3 February.

It is available now for veterans and people receiving means-tested benefits, who may be disproportionately affected by chronic mental and physical health conditions.

Following an upfront one-off fee of £200, patients who meet the eligibility criteria will have free ‘lifetime access’ to consultations, repeat prescriptions and clinic support.

An initial consultation with a private doctor through the clinic would usually cost £150, with follow-up appointments priced at £75. 

Prescriptions for all products available through the clinic’s formulary, including flower, oils and vape cartridges will also be included in the access scheme, alongside a personalised treatment plan provided by a specialist doctor.  

According to a survey of over 2,000 UK adults, commissioned by Mamedica, 52% of people in the UK from a social grade background of D-E reported they have not found a remedy to help with their chronic condition in the last five years. 

Data from the same survey also highlighted the need for access programmes for veterans, with 13% of those with a diagnosis of PTSD reporting they have not experienced symptom relief from their current treatment or therapy. 

Since medical cannabis was legalised in the UK in November 2018 there have been fewer than five NHS prescriptions compared to 89,239 issued via the private sector.

Jon Robson, CEO and founder of Mamedica commented: “We’ve created this scheme as a response to speaking with our patients and learning how we can provide the best medical cannabis service in the UK.

“We understand the treatment we offer can benefit millions suffering from chronic conditions which are otherwise affecting their quality of life. Patients who choose Mamedica will be safe in the knowledge that their wellbeing is our priority.” 

How the Mamedica access scheme works:

Eligibility check

Patients will be asked to answer a few short questions to check their eligibility for a consultation. They will also have to upload proof of veteran or means-based benefit status when completing the eligibility form or via the patient portal to qualify.

Request a callback or consultation

Schedule a call with the clinic to answer any questions, or schedule and pay for a ‘Mamedica Access’ consultation using the online booking system.

Provide documentation

Patients can then upload their Summary Care Records and clinical letters related to the condition rom their GP via the patient portal.

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