After crediting cannabis with saving the life of her son, Callie Blackwell is now an active pro-legalisation campaigner. Here she...
Chronic pain has been part of Carol’s life since she was a teenager; but it wasn’t until her 60s that she discovered medical cannabis as a...
This week our expert dismantles newspaper claims that a single dose of THC can induce psychosis in people with no mental health history; and that its...
High flying lawyer Andy struggled for years to hide his daily battle with chronic pain from his clients. Then he broke the law, self-medicating with street...
Professor Adam Winstock comments upon prescribing practise and the changing attitudes of practitioners.
Urgent government action is needed to allow medical cannabis to help the many patients that need it, writes Sir Mike Penning.
By Professor Mike Barnes, a professor of neurological rehabilitation and chief medical officer at European Cannabis Holdings.
When I was doing my medical doctorate back in 2005, medical cannabis had already been legal in Canada as a prescription medication since 2001,yet I...