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CBD Oil & Vitamin D3-The Benefits




CBD Oil & Vitamin D3 -The benefits from taking Vitamin D to the benefits of taking high quality CBD Oil. You could really reap the rewards, write the experts at FourFiveCBD.

If the last year has taught us anything, it is the importance of ensuring we do everything we can to protect, maintain and develop our immune system. While there are several ways in which we can all do this, recent research suggests that perhaps the most effective way to provide our immune system with some much needed extra protection is via Vitamin 3 (also known as Vitamin D3, Vita-algae D3).

If you add the benefits of taking Vitamin D to the benefits of taking high quality CBD Oil, you could really reap the rewards. Fourfive CBD’s Pro Range of CBD Oil offers exactly this – CBD Oil that is unrivalled on quality and rich in Vitamin D while also containing 0% THC. This means that the Pro CBD Oil with Vitamin D from Fourfivecbd CBD supports not only a healthy immune system and active lifestyle, it sustains and develops it as well. Fourfive have taken their Nutrition game to the next level listing a new Nutrition brand for those looking for premium nutrition products such as (Fourffive Nutrition vit D product Page) 

So, what are the Benefits of Vitamin D3?

While many of us know probably that Vitamin D3 is important for a good immune system and helps us maintain a healthy lifestyle, a lot may not be fully aware of the benefits it imposes.

  • Vitamin D3 helps promote and sustain healthy development and growth of bones
  • Contributes to the function of muscle, teeth and bone function
  • Contributes to absorption and utilisation of key nutrients such as calcium and phosphorus
  • Contributes to and supports the development of a good, healthy immune system

What About the Benefits of CBD Oil with Vitamin D3? 

Fourfive CBD offers, as part of their professional’s range, a 1000mg CBD Oil that is rich in Vitamin D3. Given the benefits of CBD Oil as a stand alone supplement, the infusion of Vitamin D3 hosts a whole range of additional benefits. 

CBD Oil and Vitamin D3 go very well together due to the synergy of their benefits – i.e. the qualities found in Vitamin D3 compliment the qualities and benefits found with CBD, therefore heightening the positive impact on your health/lifestyle and your immune system. 

Along with Fourfivecbd’s pro oil infused with Vitamin D3, Fourfive Nutrition have recently launched a brand new range of premium and Informed Sport tested Vitamins for all those looking to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.

Many athletes, including Fourfive CBD founders George Kruis and Dominic Day, are aware of the benefits of CBD Oil with Vitamin D3 and use it after intense training sessions. Adding vitamin D3 to the equation can not only help keep athletes’ bones strong and healthy, it could also help them maintain a positive mindset during the rigors of training. It is also important to add, that this is not just the case for professional athletes but also offers the same benefits to the rest of us. 

How to Use CBD Oil with Vitamin D3

Both CBD oil and vitamin D3 are fat soluble—in other words, they dissolve when exposed to fats. This might sound odd, but it’s actually essential for your body to process these supplements properly. In short, the molecules of CBD and vitamin D3 are a bit large for your body to process ‘raw,’ so they need to be broken down into more ‘digestible’ chunks first. Here, a healthy fat like medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil is the perfect companion.

That means oil tinctures are the ideal delivery method for a CBD-vitamin D3 concoction. This form of supplement has been around for thousands of years, and it’s remained remarkably consistent during that time. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it, after all. A tincture is simply a liquid blend of the supplement—in this case, CBD and vitamin D3—with a ‘carrier oil’ such as MCT oil that allows your body to absorb the whole mix more effectively.

Fourfive have become a name linked to the highest possible assurance of quality offered to athletes and the active alike, with growing operations and expanding horizons,  (Fourfivecbd SA website) can now be found in South Africa too!

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