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Webapp aims to improve medical cannabis care for patients

Sapphire Medical Clinics is launching a new app to improve access to care.



Webapp aims to improve medical cannabis care for patients
Home » Industry » Webapp aims to improve medical cannabis care for patients

A new app being launched by Sapphire Clinics – the first of its kind for medical cannabis patients in the UK – will help to simplify care for new and existing patients.

Designed in response to ongoing patient feedback, patients will now be able to book an appointment, quickly report an adverse event, access clinic letters and view or download a replica of all current prescriptions.

According to Sapphire Medical Clinics, the list of features will be added to in the near future once initial testing and rollout has commenced over the coming months.

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The Sapphire Clinics technology team stated: “Our aim with the Webapp is to personalise and simplify the experience for our patients, by eventually making all their medical cannabis admin and health tracking available in one place and accessible from anywhere, even on the go.”

Further developments in the pipeline include digital confirmation of the pharmacy receiving an individual’s prescription, prescription despatch details and an option to email a copy of a prescription to any healthcare professional, employer or police officer. Sapphire Clinics credited the role of their existing patients, particularly their patient engagement committee, for providing invaluable feedback and beta testing the app ahead of its launch. 

One patient stated: “Overall, I was very happy with the app, it made things like booking appointments and re-ordering prescriptions very easy. I am excited to see the app updated with live tracking for prescriptions as well, this will be a big help in the future.”

Whilst another said: “It’s simple, easy to use, has everything I could need on there.”

All current patients with Sapphire Clinics now have access to the Sapphire Clinics Webapp. New patients can understand their eligibility and find out more about the service by visiting

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Stephanie is the editor of Cannabis Wealth and Psychedelic Health, writing about science, research, policy and industry developments in cannabis, CBD and psychedelics. In 2013 Stephanie gained her BA in English and Media, focusing on journalism and propaganda, where her magazine 'Game Theory' focused on developments and disruptors over the coming decade including cannabis, psychedelics, blockchain/crypto and free speech. In 2015 Stephanie received her National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ) diploma whilst working as a reporter in North Wales. After working for a number of years as a local journalist, Stephanie became the editor of two publications covering health and wellness, including psychedelics and global developments in cannabis, before joining the team at Aspect publishing. Stephanie has a specialism in Medical Cannabis: The Health Effects of THC and CBD through the University of Colorado, and a certificate from the Medical Cannabis Clinicians Society on "Medical Cannabis Explained". Contact:


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